
Stellar Wall - 100x100 pixels online billboard

Status: Inactive


Stellar Wall is a 100x100 pixels online billboard designed to advertise projects. It is built with Flutter web and uses Firebase as its database service. The primary problem was how to display all the blocks on the webpage in an interactive way, allowing users to move view block information with a click or hover. The client had a limited budget, and the project required a cost-efficient full-stack solution. The website's design was based on Material Design and aimed to provide a native experience. Stellar Wall has several features that make it stand out, including the ability to share images to the homepage, view blocks interactively, share GIFs and APNGs.


  • The primary problem was how to display all the blocks on the webpage in an interactive way.
  • The client wanted users to be able to move view block information with a click or hover.
  • The client had a limited budget, requiring a cost-efficient full-stack solution.
  • The website needed to be user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.


After thorough research, our team decided to use Flutter Web for the frontend, Django REST API for the backend, and Firebase Firestore for the database. The Flutter Web was used for canvas, and Django REST API was hosted on Heroku. The Frontend was hosted on Firebase Hosting and Namecheap for domain.


Our design for Stellar Wall was based on the client's requirements and ideas. We used Figma to create our initial design, which went through several iterations before finalizing the website's design. The website's design was based on Material Design and aimed to provide a native experience.

Initial Figma design

Initial Figma design View on Figma

Final design

Final design


  • Share image to home page
  • Interactive view
  • Gif, Apng share


  • Flutter Web for frontend
  • Firebase Firestore as the NoSQL database, providing data from cloud.
  • Backend as Django REST API hosting on Heroku
  • Frontend hosting on Firebase Hosting



Stellar Wall provides an excellent platform for users to share their NFT collections, assets, and projects by displaying any picture on their pixels. It is cost-efficient and easy to use, making it an ideal choice for projects with a limited budget.


Stellar Wall is an innovative solution that allows users to display their projects on a 100x100 pixels online billboard. It is built with cutting-edge technology and provides several features that make it stand out. The team behind Stellar Wall worked hard to ensure that the website's design met the client's requirements and provided a native experience. Overall, Stellar Wall is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a cost-efficient way to advertise their projects.

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Nuna Project ArtNuna Project Art
Stellar WallStellar Wall
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